02 March 2012

When we didn't just get along

"You must be older than the Rodney King beating to drink in this establishment."

I don't really... have anything, actually.  These days "don't taze me bro" is a punchline and Casually Pepper Spray Cop is a meme, but as I recall it, among the white people in really comfortable neighborhoods, the revelation that police could behave this way was a horror.  The fact that it was a horror, of course, didn't make it any better at the time, but from this repose it seems to reflect an innocence this country has lost.

Matter of fact, let me change that line up top:  "You must be older than the birth of the sneaking suspicion that institutionalized brutality was not actually the momentary failure of the rule of law in America, but rather its very point, to drink in this establishment.  And christ, I think we both need one."

1 comment:

  1. you should do an entire blog dedicated to famous beatings.

    "today in 2004, Metta World Peace nee Ron Artest, beat fan John King in the closing minute of a Pacers-Pistons game"

    It would be like Garrison Keillor's The Poets Corner.
