28 April 2013

April 26th, 1992 / There was a riot on the streets, tell me where were you?

"You must be older than the LA riots to be served in this establishment."

Okay, this was posted retroactively, because like an idiot I missed this massive thing. 

Sublime actually got the date wrong, as the 26th, in their studio take, but I guess it stuck.

11 April 2013

Crystal Pepsi

"You must be older than Crystal Pepsi to drink in this establishment."

... and happy birthday, Gisela! (in your time zone, at least)

05 April 2013

I love you, you love me

"You must be older than Barney and Friends to drink in this establishment."

"... and if that just set the damn theme song going in your head, I'm guessing you really need one."