I would like a place I can call my own,"Sing it with me, kid. Also, see some ID?"
Have a conversation on the telephone!
Wake up every day; that would be a start.
I would not complain of my wounded heart.
I was a short fuse...
I've said it before---1993 was an absolutely astounding year for music. Just so far in this recollect, we've seen the debuts of Radiohead, Suede, Primus, Tool, and The Cranberries; the solo debut of Frank Black; record-book new entries from Tupac, Sting, and Lenny Kravitz; and solid, solid, long awaited returns of Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, and New Order. Then there's 2 Unlimited, Ace of Bass, Snow, and Onyx---hey, it doesn't go on the Hall of Fame sheet, but you know you listened to that shit.
And we're about a third of the way through the year. Still to come---well, limited spoilers. Midnight Marauders is still T.K., and guess what? It's not close to the most essential hip-hop album of the year. Not even close. Nirvana's still to come, Pearl Jam's still to come, PJ Harvey, too---and besides those three, possibly the most essential Alternative Nation video of the nineties. Frank Black's won't even register after the solo debut still to come, and Exile in Guyville might be in the top five albums one would quintessentially describe as "classic work by a female artist" still in the works. Might be.
Helluva year. Too bad, the way I spent it....
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