25 December 2012


Blog traffic has exploded over the past few days since I announced my mugging (as I remarked to one frequent visitor over email, "My audience has spoken, and while it finds my little musings readable, what it really wants to hear about me getting punched in the head"), and it occurs to me that having provided no updates might convey the message that things are worse than they are.  

So by way of an update:  Things aren't that bad.  'Bout the worst injury I sustained was to my knee, which collided with the pavement, and while that was pretty stiff the day after, it seems to be sorting itself out pretty well, and today my little limp seems to have disappeared almost entirely.  (I'm something of a running enthusiast, but I'm in lousy shape and tend to overdo things, so I'm rather familiar with the spectrum of joint injuries in the lower body, particularly in the spring when I first hit the track after taking the winter off.  I know you guys were saying, "Hank, you claim that you're your knee's on the mend, but do you really know?"  "Homeboy, please.  I know.")  A couple of tender spots on the side and back of my head, more consistent with mild bruising than with anything more intrusive, and while still tender, they seem to be going away on the anticipated timeline.  A cut on the inside of my lip has scabbed over slightly to where there is precisely zero chance I could convince someone it wasn't a herpes blister,[fn1] so that's likely it for dating for the foreseeable.
fn1:  Yeah, a regrettable double negative.  I did try to rephrase but couldn't come up with satisfactory alternatives.
All in all?  I'm pretty sure I'm fine.  Don't get me wrong:  I appreciate the attention.  But in case the recent traffic is driven by concern for my well-being, kindly allow me to disabuse you of any fears.  

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