18 May 2013

Might'n blow up

"You must be older than the song 'Achy Breaky Heart' to drink in this establishment."

"You must be older than this bit of insipid nonsense to be able to drink in this establishment."

I do try to keep politics out of this, so I'll just say this:  I earnestly yearn for the days when something so self-evidently stupid coming out of the mouth of a politician who plausibly could be given the launch codes was newsworthy and led to widespread scorn and ridicule.  Rather than, you know, it just being what happens ever Tuesday through Friday.  

02 May 2013

I'm only getting out of bed now

Okay, wow, I suck.  Regular readers will have noticed my conspicuous absence from attending to this blog over the past few weeks.  Firstly through sporadic (at best) updates, and secondarily (and more embarrassingly) because those updates were just an unembedded Wikipedia link.  Yeah, my bad, dudes.  I had been working a crazy amount of hours at a gig that only ended last weekend, and I'm only finally getting around to updating the blog now.  I've cleaned up the posts wot needed cleaning, and I'm hoping to have more quality stuff in the near future.  

Can't promise it won't happen again.  Can't promise to try harder in the future.  Can I promise a video of a cat trying to drink out of a vacuum cleaner?  Now we're talking shit I can deliver: